At mother’s request, Judge evicts baby from womb

UPDATED: OCTOBER 18, 2017 AT 7:39 PM
Former reporter

AMERICAN FORK — Desperate to give birth and end an uncomfortable pregnancy, a fourth District Clerk asked a judge to serve her unborn daughter and official eviction notice.

The craziest part? It worked.

Kaylee Bays said she did it as a joke, after an exhausting day of false labor. She filled out the paperwork and asked Judge Davis to approve it.

“The reasons for it were: I am sick of heartburn. I am sick of waddling. It’s time for you to come out because I am running out of room,” Bays said. “He started laughing and said, ‘This is the first time in 31 years, but I am happy to do it!”

Just twelve hours later, Bays said she gave birth to little Gretsel. Soon after Davis sent her an email:

“He said he was tickled pink that is all worked out,” Bays said, adding that he wants a framed copy of the notice for his office. Bays plans to keep the original in a book for her daughter.