University of Utah announces anti-racist task force

UPDATED: OCTOBER 27, 2017 AT 6:24 PM
Former reporter

SALT LAKE CITY — Racist posters and graffiti up on campus this summer have prompted the University of Utah to form a presidential anti-racism task force on campus.

They have yet to announce members of the task force, but spokesperson Chris Nelson said they will come from faculty, staff and students across campus.

“I’ve had a number of people very interested and wanting to serve on it,” Nelson said, “We’ve had a broad range of reactions: ‘Oh I didn’t know we had a racism problem on campus’ to ‘This is a long time coming.'”

Nelson said they’ve considered forming something like this for the last few years, but after the vandlism and controversial posters they decided to take action.

He said the task force will review unviersity polices and try to unite the campus discussion on racism.