Utah updates dashboard for Controlled Substance Database

UPDATED: NOVEMBER 15, 2017 AT 12:10 PM

As Utah tries to fight the high number of people addicted to pain pills, state officials are turning more focus on the prescribers of those pills. And they have a new tool this week.

On Thursday, a new dashboard goes live on the Controlled Substance Database for doctors and pharmacists to see just how many pills they prescribe and dispense. And it will highlight red flags.

Bountiful state representative and family practice doctor Raymond Ward saw a demonstration on the hill.
“There are still a large number of physicians who don’t see those as high risk prescription, or who honestly think the benefits outweigh the risks, and they carry on. So we have a long way to go,” he said.

Lawmakers say this is a key step, to improve the computer system to make it easier to focus on prescribing practices.

“Having a Controlled Substance Database, especially with this great new dashboard, gives doctors a big leg up in understanding what the risks and benefits are for a specific patient,” said Representative Brad Daw.

Patients will also be able to see the red flags in their behavior, because the search results can go in their medical records.

“We have to do something different, and the more ways you have to be able to express that to a patient, the better. These are not easy changes to make for patients,” said Dr Ward.