Mail thieves steal letters in West Jordan


WEST JORDAN – Police say they’re getting reports of mail thieves walking along the streets, stealing what they can.  One woman says several of her neighbors are learning a hard lesson after their letters were taken.

West Jordan resident Annette Lyon says a pile of wet mail was discovered by her neighbor on her front lawn.  In that pile, she found bills, credit card offers and holiday cards.  Lyon says, “They took the credit cards from the credit card offers.  [There were] lots and lots of Christmas cards, every one of them open and torn in half.”  She’s trying to reconnect her neighbors with their cards, but, that’s proving to be difficult.  “Most of the cards, I don’t know whose they are because the envelope is not connected with the card,” Lyon says.

Lyon admits, this affected her family more severely than she thought it would.  She says this is her children’s first experience of being robbed.  “I’m surprised, still.  I have six kids and four of them checked the mail a dozen times this morning because they’re so afraid someone is going to steal our mail, again,” Lyon says.

She posted a video on her neighborhood’s Facebook page, showing the cards and letters.  Soon after, neighbors posted security camera footage that was taken at roughly 2 a.m. Sunday, reportedly showing thieves going from mailbox to mailbox.  Lyon adds, “They actually have video of the guys opening mailboxes.”

(Video courtesy Annette Lyon)

Officials with the West Jordan Police Department are warning people not to leave their mail in the mailbox overnight.  They say not only are they getting reports of late night mail thieves, but, some people are brazen enough to take letters and packages in broad daylight.