Caucus night reactions in Utah

UPDATED: MARCH 21, 2018 AT 9:44 AM

Delegates selected last night will go to party conventions in April and vote on candidates to appear on the ballot.

But many precincts say they did not have large numbers turn out.

It’s not unexpected to have low turnout in a non-presidential election year. But many who did attend said given that many candidates can gather signatures to get on the ballot, the caucus process is not as critical.

In Salt Lake County, Crystal Taylor decided to go to her first Republican caucus.

“There’s so much discrimination and hatred toward each other, it’s upsetting. So I want to get more involved and see what I can do to help,” she said.

Laura Dahl talks about why she went to a Democratic caucus:

“I’ve been really frustrated with the way the country has become angry,” she said.

Some Republican precincts in Utah County tried out a new app called Voatz to cast votes and speed things up.

It was the first caucus for the new United Utah party.