Local pastor recalls standing next to “greatness” of MLK

UPDATED: APRIL 4, 2018 AT 8:29 AM

SALT LAKE CITY – A local pastor has fond remembrances of Doctor Martin Luther King on the fiftieth anniversary of his assassination.

Pastor France Davis stood “in the presence of greatness” in 1963’s “March on Washington” and Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

“To participate was to be in the most positive, non-violent approach to change that our world has ever seen, then or now,” Rev. Davis said.

The pastor of Salt Lake Calvary Baptist Church says no one person now is impacting civil rights and American society like Dr. King did.

“Now, we have the students, we have the teachers, we have Black Lives Matter, we have football players bringing out the kind of positive change, all using a non-violent approach,” Rev. Davis said.

He referred to their protests and rallies across the country.

Rev. Davis also recalls Doctor King as a leader for economic justice and anti-militarism, who won the Nobel Peace Prize just four years before his death on April 4, 1968.