Boy scout builds K-9 officer memorial for Cedar City Cemetery

UPDATED: AUGUST 17, 2018 AT 6:15 PM

CEDAR CITY — An Iron County boy scout is honoring retired and fallen police K-9 officers for his Eagle Scout project by building a memorial in the Cedar City Cemetery.

Jason Guy, along with the assistance of the Friends of Iron County Police K-9, began the project months ago after realizing police dogs often do not receive the recognition they deserve.

“I think people just don’t appreciate the work that they do sometimes, so I figure this would help them,” says Guy.

The structure made of concrete, cultured stone, and bronze took months to complete. For guy, the work was worth it to pay his respect to the K-9 officers he admires.

“It’s just always been interesting to me,” says Guy. “How much work goes into training them and how efficient they are in what they do. It’s just very interesting to me.”

Guy says other scouts are working on memorials for firefighters and police officers for the cemetery.