Lone Peak firefighters need donations for emergency classroom kits

UPDATED: AUGUST 21, 2018 AT 12:42 PM

HIGHLAND — Lone Peak firefighters are short of their goal to put emergency kits into all classrooms in their coverage areas and they’re asking the public for help.

“In light of the mass casualty shooting events that have happened throughout the country, we looked at, rather than taking a reactive approach, to take a proactive approach,” said Fire Chief Reed Thompson.

He and his agency are looking for donors for emergency kits that will help “lay rescuers” to stop the bleeding of victims around them before emergency responders can reach them.

The goal is to supply 500 classrooms throughout Alpine, Cedar Hills, and Highland with the emergency kit and while the kit itself is $120, donations of all sizes are welcome.

“Trauma dressings, quick clot type materials, tourniquets, a movement device if we need to put a patient on a tarp of sorts,” Thompson said.

For more information, please visit the official Highland City website.