Large coalition supports medicinal marijuana, not Utah measure to legalize it

UPDATED: AUGUST 23, 2018 AT 7:49 PM

SALT LAKE CITY – Former supporters of a proposition to legalize medicinal marijuana in Utah are explaining why they changed their minds, even though they used the drug.

Medicinal marijuana helped Enedina Stanger, who suffers from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, out of her wheelchair.

“I can sympathize with most of your pains and suffering,” she tearfully said during a news conference at the Utah State Capitol. “I can say I feel your pain, and I mean it.”

But she says November’s Prop. 2 doesn’t allow for proper regulation, putting marijuana of any sort into the wrong hands.

Nathan Frodsham says he felt no pressure to change his mind to oppose the ballot measure, even though the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also now opposes it.

“I don’t think they’re choosing between health and salvation,” Frodsham said. “I think the Church readily acknowledges that medical cannabis isn’t an impediment to salvation.”

Along with the Church, law enforcement groups, physicians and legislators with Drug Safe Utah support medicinal marijuana, but not Prop. 2.

Christine Stenquist, president of Together for Responsible Use and Cannabis Education (TRUCE) and Doug Rice, interim president of Epilepsy Association of Utah, accuse some of their former colleagues of betraying them once the Church came out in opposition.

They also accuse their opponents of the same stall tactics to legalizing medicinal marijuana that could alleviate suffering.