Utah health officials urge more students to walk to school

UPDATED: OCTOBER 10, 2018 AT 9:25 AM

SALT LAKE CITY — Health officials hope parents and kids try walking to school for National Walk to School Day on October 10.

Health Specialist Sarah Roundy with the Utah Department of Health says walking helps students get exercise and arrive at school ready to learn.

“That also teaches our kids, and this is something I’ve seen in my student, they become more independent, they get that sense of responsibility,” she says.

Roundy says as people try it out, they may be more willing to keep it up.

“Having their communities be safer, they have more walkable routes to school, it builds a camaraderie in the community, and it inspires families to use their feet to go to and from school,” Roundy says.

She recommends walking or biking in groups.

Roundy says she often has to plan ahead in order to make walking to school work for her family, but it’s worth the effort.

“I look on my calendar and look for opportunities to send my kid,” she says. “I can also send a text to my neighbors and ask if their kids are walking or biking this week.”