Dabakis marijuana stunt on uncertain legal ground

UPDATED: OCTOBER 25, 2018 AT 12:11 PM

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah Sen. Jim Dabakis, D-Salt Lake City, could potentially face legal consequences for consuming a marijuana-based product in Nevada, though no Nevada officials have said they will pursue legal action.

As far as Dabakis is concerned, he tells KSL he believes he broke no Nevada laws regarding the marijuana-infused gummy bear that he ate on a Las Vegas sidewalk.

Nevada law does not exempt from state prosecution people who consume marijuana in a public place or in a place that is within view of the public.

Nevada’s state website explaining the rules for marijuana consumption states public consumption remains illegal.

Dabakis says that he consulted an attorney, and it was on that person’s advice he believed there was no concern about consuming marijuana in public.

Dabakis ate a marijuana-infused gummy bear on a Nevada sidewalk recently in an effort to encourage Utah legislators to try marijuana prior to voting on current efforts to legalize medical marijuana in Utah. In our conversation with the senator, Dabakis stressed he does not think Utahns should be allowed to consume marijuana or other cannabis products in public.

Under Nevada law, persons charged with consuming marijuana in public can be convicted of a misdemeanor and face a fine of no more than $600.