OPINION: The disgusting smear campaign around the Caravan

UPDATED: AUGUST 3, 2022 AT 2:47 PM
Jay Mcfarland

Trump has decided to send 5,000 troops on a temporary deployment to the border in an effort to harden border security with the expected arrival of a migrant caravan. I think that this is more of an effort by the president to rally his base right before the midterm election more than a serious effort to protect our borders.

I know this because the Caravan isn’t expected to arrive at the border for another 45 days. I mean they’re still almost 1,000 miles out so the chances are that the caravan is going to arrive after the troops leave. I’m all for protecting our borders but we ought to consider whether the President is doing for actual policy reasons or because the election is a week away is trying to fire up his base to counteract a potential blue wave.

Jay Mcfarland hosts the JayMac News Show as well as the fictional podcast, Hosts of Eden. KSL Newsradio is part of Bonneville Media and based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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