OPINION: Everything wrong with Jason Chaffetz’s immigration comments

UPDATED: AUGUST 3, 2022 AT 2:46 PM
Jay Mcfarland

The immigration debate is fueled by hatred and fear. Take Jason Chaffetz for example. He used the death of the 7-year-old migrant for his own political gain, saying, “Don’t make this journey, it’ll kill you.”

Should this be the new Lady Liberty quote? Would you have said that to the immigrants who showed up on Ellis Island? No. This has much more do do with hatred and fear than it does logic.

Maybe I don’t fear the immigrants because I grew up in the restaurant business. I got to spend time with people who are from other countries. They’re here to work the jobs that nobody wants for the worst amount of money to just take care of their loved ones back home. That’s what the vast majority of them want. They want to work and they want to work hard. Instead of keeping the money for themselves, they send more than half of it back to their family members. That should tell you what their intent is.

It can actually be that illegal immigrants are good, honest, looking to feed their families and have a good life.

Can you argue the merits of border control without classifying an entire group of people with hatred and fear? That’s what President Donald Trump has said time and time again. Hatred and fear. Hatred and fear. That leaves us at a place where nobody can come in without being judged.

We have our own and we’re not willing to give it up for anybody.

What makes America great is that we’ve looked at those in need and we’ve said that we want to take you in. You’re starving? Come in. You don’t have a good credit score? Come in. You don’t have a safe place to call your home? Come in.

You don’t have to destroy humanity and cast people in the direst moment in their lives. We live in a place now where we’re willing to use fear and hatred to get what we want–not understanding the far-reaching ramifications.

Use truth. Not lies.

There are two truths: First, the vast majority of immigrants are looking for a better life. Second, in a sovereign nation in a world of drug use and so many other issues, we have a right and a responsibility to rescue our borders. They don’t have to be separate. But that unfortunately is the world we live in.

Jay Mcfarland hosts the JayMac News Show as well as the fictional podcast, Hosts of Eden. KSL Newsradio is part of Bonneville Media and based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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