YouTube sensation Baby Shark is planning a move to Netflix

UPDATED: JANUARY 24, 2019 AT 10:21 AM

The song that has over 2.2 billion views on YouTube secured a spot on the Billboard Top 100 for the third week in a row, and is undoubtedly stuck in your head now Baby Shark doo doo doo doo doo doo is now making its way to the online video streaming site Netflix.

The South Korean company SmartStudy is planning to release a series of short videos on Netflix that is set to debut in North America this year.

The chief financial officer for SmartStudy, Seungkyu Lee, says that it has capitalized on the rising popularity of Korean pop, commonly referred to as K-pop. But, instead of focusing on the boy band market that K-pop powerhouses like BTS have found success in, SmartStudy has focused on the younger crowd with their kiddie pop targeting children between one and four with their upbeat interactive sing-a-long videos.

Speaking with Bloomberg Seungkyu says, “We’ve added the ‘K-pop factor’ into our songs, such as very trendy beats and upbeat rhythms,” he said. “If you’ve ever heard of ‘Baby Shark,’ you might feel the importance of community. In a group, we should walk or swim together.”

The company also said they have games in development, which means that no matter where you go you’re sure to hear some doo doo doo’s floating on the wind.