Governor Herbert says Utah needs to think bigger to clean its air

UPDATED: JANUARY 31, 2019 AT 8:29 AM

SALT LAKE CITY – Governor Gary Herbert gave his State of the State address last night.  He devoted a portion of his speech laying out plans to improve Utah’s air quality by 2026.

Herbert says since the state itself is one of the largest employers in Utah, it needs to lead by example.  He wants state employees to use transit and change out fleet vehicles with Top 3 tier or electric cars.  He also says the state should incorporate more telecommuting when possible.

The governor hopes private businesses will then follow the government’s lead.  He says using green technology in buildings will also reduce harmful emissions into the environment.

But, his plans don’t stop with the State.  He wants to roll out incentives to the public for removing wood burning stoves, exchanging diesel vehicles for less gas-guzzling options and get rid of gas-powered yard equipment for electric ones.

Herbert says this will be a 100-million dollar downpayment to data driven improvements in Utah’s air quality and reduce emissions by the equivalent of 65,000 cars.