Officer Jason Harvey, Aurora City Police Department

UPDATED: AUGUST 4, 2022 AT 11:33 AM
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The following nomination letter was written by Clint Johnson, City Recorder for Aurora City:

Aurora City is a very small community in the Northern part of Sevier County. We have a very small, part time police department but that doesn’t always mean that our problems are small or part-time. Officer Harvey works full time for Sevier County and then on his time off he works for Aurora City as the Police Chief.

He has made it his goal to get to know every member of the community along with and especially the young people. He serves in the community working with teenage boys in an LDS Church calling and they look to him as an example. He has always been interested in their lives and is always just as excited as they are when they turn 16 and receive their driver’s license. Many of these young people have grown up working on their family’s farm so driving can begin at an early age but Officer Harvey is very conscientious about the rural setting and has been there offer help and to make certain that all are safe. The safety of the community and the citizens is always the most important thing for him.

Aurora City is located on state route 280 which is an important road where people travel from Highway 50 to get to
Interstate 70. We have many travelers come through our community on a daily basis and Officer Harvey helps to keep those travelers safe and the citizens in our community safe as well.

Aurora City has received numerous letters from individuals whom Officer Harvey has stopped expressing their gratitude for his professional and yet understanding nature. He has helped in the community with some domestic violence situations which can turn ugly but he has helped to diffuse those situations. Officer Harvey has a caring personality and we are Aurora City are very grateful for his good work and efforts