Rulon Green, Draper City

UPDATED: AUGUST 4, 2022 AT 11:04 AM
KSL NewsRadio Sales

The following nomination was written by Audrey Withycombe, a teacher at Draper Park Middle School:

“I have the opportunity to interact with Officer Rulon Green at Draper Park Middle School. Officer Green is an incredible police officer! He has a fantastic sense of humor, using a carefree, calm attitude with the students. They know he is someone they can trust and someone who is always willing to give them a friendly smile in the hallway. He will often get on the speaker system during lunch, sharing jokes with the middle school students.

Officer Green also has a pet pot belly pig. He has been kind enough to bring his pig to school. This was definitely an entertaining moment for the students! His generosity and joyful attitude is exemplified in this story. He is certainly an officer who cares about his constituents and does all he can to connect and relate to these middle school students. Officer Green is a positive role model for students throughout Draper.”