Kevin Salmon, Cottonwood Heights PD

UPDATED: AUGUST 4, 2022 AT 11:00 AM
KSL NewsRadio Sales

The following was written by Mark Askerlund of Cottonwood Heights:

“Dear Chief,

In June of 2016, Officer Kevin Salmon responded to a call of a theft of a bicycle on Town Circle. Someone had cut the lock to a shed and stole a girls bicycle. The victim, a 12 year old girl who had immigrated here with her family from Russia had won the bike at her school by winning a reading contest. In its
place, the thief had left a bucket of human feces. Obviously both the girl and her mother were devastated. On his own volition, Officer Salmon went to Target and purchased the girl a replacement bike. He used his own funds which exceeded 100.00. When he brought it back to the girl’s house, she was
beyond words. The mother said something to the effect that in her country you can’t trust the police, and therefore she doesn’t like them. After this kind act by Officer Salmon, she said she now likes them.”