Low Vision Rehabilitation Services

UPDATED: AUGUST 4, 2022 AT 11:46 AM
KSL NewsRadio Sales

Low Vision Rehabilitation Services was established to help people with vision loss read, write, and do other tasks that are difficult because of their eye condition.
They provide evaluations, clinics, training, support, and follow-up eye care. To help those with low vison, assistive reading devices such as hand held magnifiers, glasses, and loupes are available for those in need. Many new products and devices are available such as modern desktop video magnifiers and LED stand magnifiers. The organization works in conjunction with ophthalmologists and optometrists in eleven doctor’s offices. Services are offered to visually impaired persons of all ages and have locations throughout Utah from Logan to St. George.
The primary goal of the organization is to help people with vision loss remain independent, to assist them with the challenges and struggles they face, and to give them help and hope. Nearly six hundred and fifty people are helped every year by this organization.
SelectHealth recognizes the essential service offered by Low Vision Rehabilitation Services as another example of how Utah Gives Back.
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