Bear-O Care

UPDATED: AUGUST 4, 2022 AT 11:09 AM
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Bear-O Care is an organization that provides a unique approach to caring for individuals with multiple disabilities. By including and collaborating with families, caregivers, and educators, they provide a safe, supportive, environment that maintains and builds upon the abilities and communication methods used by each individual. They believe everyone can accomplish their own level of independence and strive to help them achieve that.
Bear-O Care offers a day program for adults with multiple disabilities that may not be accepted at typical adult care centers. They provide structure for them as well as community activities. They also offer respite care for families of those with disabilities and their siblings so that parents can get a meaningful break, providing them with mental, physical, and emotional strength they need to care for their children.
By establishing relationships with local universities, Bear-O Care is committed to creating future educators and caregivers by involving students, trainees, interns, and volunteers in the day to day care of this population.
SelectHealth recognizes the dedicated attention provided by Bear-O Care as another example of how Utah Gives Back.