STEP Express

UPDATED: AUGUST 4, 2022 AT 11:08 AM
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Healthy kids make better students. Children who are active are more likely to have improved concentration, be more attentive, and earn higher grades. But too many kids are not getting the exercise and nutrition they need to stay fit.
SelectHealth has created a program to battle childhood obesity that encourages healthy lifestyles. The STEP Express program helps 4th grade students work toward building good health and fitness habits through eight weeks of classroom lessons, PE activities, and a fitness challenge. Fourth grade was focused on because there is a dramatic increase of overweight or obese students at this age.
Students track their exercise using a passport, and cash grants are given to the three schools with the highest average activity per student.
Lesson plans, passports, and PE equipment for the activities are provided at no cost to teachers. These lesson plans cover parts of the health and PE state core curriculum. Visit www.stepexpress.org to register.
SelectHealth recognizes the positive health impact from the STEP Express program as another example of how Utah Gives Back.