4 Valentine’s Day Deaths in 4 Years: How Safe Valentine’s Day Driving will Prevent You from Breaking Anyone’s Heart this Valentines Day


This article about safe Valentine’s Day driving is sponsored by Zero Fatalities

According to UDOT, the last 4 Valentine’s Days in a row have led to heartbreak on Utah Roads. That’s because there has been at least one fatality on Utah roads on Valentine’s Day for the last 4 years. Don’t break anyone’s heart. Help make this a Zero Fatalities Valentine’s Day.

The Sad Truth about Valentine’s Day Driving

Here’s a list of the last 4 years of Valentine’s Day heartbreak:

-On Feb. 14th, 2018,  A teenager distracted with their cell phone driver rear-ended a school bus on Bangerter Hwy and perished.

-On rural I-80 Feb. 14th, 2017 at 11:51 am, an unrestrained driver of a car drifted out of his lane into a semi-truck causing the car to roll over and roll down an embankment.  The driver’s distraction was unknown.

-Another in 2017 happened on Feb. 14th at 7:12 am. A driver on US-40 veered out of his lane into oncoming traffic and caused a head-on crash.  The driver was reported as Driving Under the Influence and test results later came back as positive.

-On Feb. 14th, 2016  An 84-year old driver lost control on I-15 and slammed into a concrete barrier.  No distraction or DUI was reported.

-Finally, on Feb. 14th, 2015  a driver entering Legacy Parkway missed the turn, went off the road into a bridge support and overturned. The Driver was reported as Driving Under the Influence and alcohol test results came back positive.

How Can You Help Prevent Valentine’s Day Driving Disasters?

  1. Don’t Drive Drowsy

    Never risk driving drowsy. You always have the option to pull over, switch drivers, or even find another safe place to sleep. Drowsy driving is not worth your life or the lives of others.

  2. Don’t Drive Distracted

    Some people still don’t think that texting and driving can be a dangerous combination. Still, every year, more people are getting injured or killed in accidents involving distracted drivers

  3. Don’t Drive Aggressively

    Aggressive driving means operating a vehicle in a way that can endanger you or the people around you. Yet still, at least two-thirds of nationwide traffic fatalities involve some variation of aggressive driving.

  4. Don’t Drive Impaired

    Always drive sober. There are no exceptions here. Don’t drink and get behind the wheel. If you are taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, read the warning labels and if you’re not supposed to drive, don’t.

  5. Always Buckle Up

    You cling your seatbelt in isn’t a personal decision. It affects everyone in your car and everyone else on the road. The most common reason for the majority of fatalities on the road is failure to buckle up.

Don’t Break Someone’s Heart this Valentine’s Day

Drive safe, pay attention, and get to the people you love.