Intermountain Healthcare- Mammography

UPDATED: MARCH 5, 2019 AT 3:04 PM
Assistant Promotions Director

A mammogram can be used to check for breast cancer in women who have no signs of symptoms of the disease. It is the leading cause of female cancer death in Utah. But did you know, Utah is among the lowest in the nation for mammography screening? Making it a part of your preventive care routine is so important – because some tumors detectable by x-ray are too small to be detected by touch.

All women should begin their annual breast cancer screening at the age of 40 and should continue annually for as long as you’re healthy. If you are at higher risk, meaning you have a family history of premenopausal breast cancer, you should begin screening 10 years before the relative’s age at diagnosis. Always talk with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. Mammography screening is a good reminder to put your health first to ensure the health of our families.

To schedule a mammogram or gather more information please visit intermountain.healthcare.org.

SelectHealth recognizes the importance of getting a mammogram and improving our health as another way that Utah Gives Back.