OPINION: These dangers should be common sense, but apparently they’re not.

UPDATED: MARCH 11, 2019 AT 6:03 PM

The following is an opinion piece and does not necessarily reflect the views of KSL Newsradio or its ownership.

SALT LAKE CITY –I can’t believe I have to say this, but some dangers should be common sense to avoid.

Two cautionary tales emerged over the weekend which invites us to make better choices to save our lives. In one, a risk I have been warning you about for ages, dangerous selfie-taking, led to the woman taking the picture to be attacked by a jaguar.  In the other, according to the CDC, there has been the first case of Tetanus in 30 years, because the victim was not vaccinated.

Please, learn from these stories: Look around and evaluate your safety when snapping that selfie (and don’t jump zoo barriers for them). Vaccinate your kids whenever possible, to protect them and those around them from preventable diseases.

What do you think, are these dangers avoidable? How do we prevent these tragedies from happening again?

Jay Mcfarland hosts the JayMac News Show, weekdays from 12:30 to 3 p.m. on KSL Newsradio, as well as the fictional podcast, Hosts of Eden. KSL Newsradio is part of Bonneville Media and based in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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