Do You Snore at Night? 7 Simple Tips for Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment and How You Can Help First Responders in Need of Sleep


This article about snoring and sleep apnea treatment is sponsored by Premier Sleep Solutions

1 in 9 people who snore at night have Sleep Apnea and don’t realize it. When a person has an obstructed airway that’s when snoring and sleep apnea happen. That means a person doesn’t get the correct amount of air to breathe. Snoring and sleep apnea can also occur when there is a problem between the brain and the muscles that control breathing. This can cause breathing to become very shallow or stop altogether. So here are 7 tips for snoring and sleep apnea treatment:

1. Lose Weight

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Keeping a healthy weight can help relieve any constriction of your throat. Of course, before you start a weight loss program, talk to your doctor about what will be best for you.

2. Avoid Big Meals Close To Bedtime

Just the process of digestion can put your body into overdrive often making it impossible to sleep. Plus this can help reduce acid reflux.

3. Don’t Take Sedatives and Sleeping Pills

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These can relax the muscles in the back of your throat that can interfere with breathing.

4. Create a Good Sleep Schedule

Going to sleep at the same time every night and getting up at the same time every morning can help regulate your hormones. Frequent apnea episodes can decrease when you are well rested.

5. Sleep on Your Side

Photo: Premiere Sleep Solutions

Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue to rest against the back of your throat blocking your airway. Try sewing a tennis ball to the back of your pajama top. When you roll onto your back with the ball behind your neck, it won’t be very comfortable. But it will naturally force you to roll onto your side.

6. Keep Your Nasal Passage Clear When You’re Sleeping

If you suffer from allergies and other nasal obstructions, antihistamines and prescription nasal sprays may provide relief from snoring and sleep apnea.

7. Get Real Sleep Apnea Treatment

Photo: Premiere Sleep Solutions

Tossing and turning may be normal for you or your sleeping partner, but there are actually better solutions out there:

Oral Retainer Therapy

Oral retainers are the least invasive of all the sleep apnea treatments. This is an appliance that looks similar to a sports mouth protector. These kinds of retainers are worn while you sleep to prevent the collapse of the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat. Oral retainers promote good breathing and help to provide normal sleep in people who snore and have sleep apnea.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)

This is the most common and standard form of treatment of obstructive sleep apnea; although, can tend to be uncomfortable. The CPAP machine includes a face mask that is connected to a pump. The continuous flow of air pressure ensures that the airway doesn’t collapse during sleep. People with mild-to-moderate sleep apnea can usually choose which therapy they would prefer to try.

You Can Help a First Responder Suffering from Sleep Apnea:

A first responder’s line of work often demands sleepless nights and long shifts. However, sleep is more than a luxury. Quality of sleep is one of the biggest predictors of energy, critical thinking and response time.

Photo: Premiere Sleep Solutions

Dr. Shad Morris from Premier Sleep Solutions wants to find the first responders in your community who may be struggling with sleep apnea, CPAP intolerance, or snoring. You can help Dr. Morris find 3 fatigued responders in your community tackle their sleep problems. The chosen first responders will receive a consultation, airway mapping, sleep study, custom fit oral retainer, and follow-up appointment all at no charge. $2,995 value. Nominate the first responder in your community today.

Photo: Premiere Sleep Solutions