Utah Down Syndrome Foundation

UPDATED: MARCH 19, 2019 AT 1:44 PM
Assistant Promotions Director

Down syndrome affects individuals and families all over the world, and 1 in 700 babies in the United States each year. Those with Down syndrome are born with an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra genetic material can cause developmental delays in physical, intellectual, and language development, but this doesn’t stop individuals with Down syndrome from living full and happy lives.

Utah Down Syndrome Foundation’s mission is to provide hope to individuals, their families, and community through support, education, activities, outreach, and advocacy. By becoming a part of Utah Down Syndrome Foundation’s community, individuals and their families find that they are not alone in this journey. Each individual with Down syndrome has unique talents and abilities. The foundation’s programs and services help to “Love, Lift, and Launch,” those with Down syndrome to their highest potential and focus on their abilities instead of their disabilities. To support the community, visit UDSF.org.

SelectHealth recognizes the leadership and support provided by the Utah Down Syndrome Foundation as another example of how Utah Gives Back.