Southern Utah mail carrier recognized for giving coat to boy

UPDATED: MARCH 28, 2019 AT 4:15 PM

SANTA CLARA, Utah — A story of kindness is resonating with many people. A Southern Utah mail carrier gave a boy his coat and now he’s getting recognized for it.

Brandon Pectol was on his route when he saw a boy in his early teens under an awning on a cold, rainy day in February.

The boy had been riding his bike to and from school, and Pectol went to check on him and said lips and hands were purple. So he gave him his coat.

Santa Clara Postmaster Kim Johnson says the coat was dropped off at the post office later, with a thank you note in the pocket.

“He just wanted to say a little help goes a long way, and it was very much appreciated,” said Johnson. “Thanking him for stopping, and he said he was the only one who stopped to check on him and make sure he was okay. And thanking him for his jacket — little did he know he would ever see his jacket again.”

Johnson says she shared the story because she was touched by the kindness of her mail carrier, and the thoughtfulness of the boy. Now the US Postmaster General has commended and thanked Pectol. His story will also be shared in Washington DC at the Postal Service headquarters for all to see.

Johnson says it is inspiring people to be kind, and to say thank you.

“Remember to say thanks to people, or do something nice for somebody. If it’s as simple as opening the door for someone, or something like that, even. Just kind of makes you think about how you yourself treat others,” she said.