What can the Layton dog bite teach us about free speech?

UPDATED: MARCH 28, 2019 AT 4:41 PM

“You need to check yourself before you wreck yourself.”

As a radio host, I expect — and recieve — hateful messages every day with people sending in their opinions to the show. We have free speech rights, but with free speech comes the possibility of offense. When should free speech allow people who disagree to post hateful messages to others? It shouldn’t.

The mother of the 4-year-old Utah boy who lost his hand in a vicious dog bite has posted on Facebook after Davis County Animal Care and Control say the dogs will likely move to another organization.

She mentions their family has received threats and also support during this time.

This family is going through a tragic time. The only messages they should be getting are those of love, support and “how can I help you?” Not threats.

In a world where we value free speech, we need to talk about the right way to disagree.

How do you handle disagreements? What do you do to ensure respect is prioritized?