Cottonwood Heights to residents: Prepare for flooding by creeks, just in case

UPDATED: APRIL 24, 2019 AT 7:15 PM

COTTONWOOD HEIGHTS – The rising waters in Big and Little Cottonwood creeks have city leaders in Cottonwood Heights telling people to be ready for the potential of flooding.

They’ve offered free sandbags to residents who live near these areas, and the offer could continue into next month if they believe there’s a need.  City leaders say several different weather factors could make the snowmelt come down much faster than they would like, burdening both creeks.

“It all depends if the temperature peaks along with rain showers, then yes, there is a potential it could double in size,” according to Public Works Superintendent Danny Martinez.

However, if the temperatures say relatively low, in the 70s or 80s, then the runoff should be manageable.  Still, he’s telling everyone to be ready for problems.

Martinez says, “I would say, ‘Prepare.’  Prepare early.  Don’t wait until the temperature does spike.”

While both creeks could be a problem, Martinez says they’re especially concerned about Little Cottonwood Creek.

“It goes down behind a lot more homes in the city and there are a few areas that we are concerned about that have had flooding in the past,” he says.

They’ve had previous flooding near the area of Royal Lane because of an especially narrow portion of the waterway.