Utah company wants to pay people to play Fortnite

UPDATED: MAY 14, 2019 AT 8:48 AM

SALT LAKE CITY — Attention epic gamers! A Utah company wants to pay you $20 an hour to play Fortnite.

Highspeedinternet.com is looking for someone to play the popular Battle Royale for 50 hours to showcase how high-speed internet can positively affect your gameplay. If you’re selected in what they call “the ULTIMATE summer dream job,” you’ll be paid $1,000 and get a year of free internet and a new modem.

This isn’t a marathon though; the winner will have between June 7th to July 31st to rack up the hours, when they’ll have to report back on if the new internet helped them secure any more Victory Royales.

Applicants need to be over the age of 18  as well as be willing to live stream all 50 hours of their gameplay on Twitch. Entries close on Friday, May 31st.

You can find out more details at highspeedinternet.com.