Cheap places to get dental work done in Utah

UPDATED: JUNE 11, 2019 AT 5:21 PM
Alek Nelson

Where can you get affordable dental work in Utah? 

A new study from the University of Utah says that dental care can have a large impact on recovering drug addicts.

Why is this important? 

Drug addicts were more successful in treatment with dental care.

For the study, members of the university’s School of Dental Hygiene provided free dental care to people receiving treatment at Odyssey House. The study reports that those who received dental care were two to three times more likely to stay in substance abuse treatment.

According to Dr. Glen R. Hanson, who led the study, improving a person’s quality of life can help them recover from chronic diseases, including substance abuse.

“The very factors that we had been looking at in this study with oral health that seemed to improve so dramatically are the very same factors that are used as core indicators for quality of life,” Hanson said.