Rescued bird in “great condition” after Uber ride to wildlife rehab center

UPDATED: JULY 3, 2019 AT 6:11 PM
Assistant News Director

OGDEN, Utah — A Lesser Goldfinch baby bird found itself orphaned and some people in Ogden knew it needed help, so apparently they called an Uber ride for it.

A volunteer at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah carried a young bird into the feeding area, unsure of what to do next. When asked what the intake information was, the volunteer said there was none. Surprised, Executive Director Dalynn Marthaler asked who brought him in.

“He got an uber.”

Some Ogden residents were having a neighborhood party Saturday evening when they found the injured bird. They called the WRCNU and sent pictures to ask what they should do to help the young bird. Unable to find a nest, they decided to take the bird to the center.

The neighbors had a few drinks that night and realized they should not drive – so they called an Uber. The bird arrived as a single passenger a few hours after the initial call was made.

“We were kind of amused about that,” Marthaler said. “We thought that it was super fun he got him an Uber.”

Marthaler said the neighbors acted in the right way, calling to make sure the correct steps were taken before bringing the bird in.

“We asked for information to make sure we aren’t taking healthy babies from the wild,” Marthaler said. “Sometimes leaving it alone and letting it do its own thing is the best course of action.”

The bird is now in great condition, eating enough food and socializing with another Lesser Goldfinch in the center. Overall, Marthaler said the situation was a first for the center and one of the sweetest encounters they’ve had.

“It was super responsible,” Marthaler said with a laugh. “He didn’t drink and drive which I so appreciate. And the fact he didn’t leave the bird to suffer and made sure it got attention right away was really cool.”