Junior League of Salt Lake City

UPDATED: JULY 9, 2019 AT 3:27 PM
Assistant Promotions Director

Women have the unique power to look at the world’s problems and find solutions that transform lives and are catalysts for change. This rings true for the Junior League of Salt Lake City, a group of passionate women making our community better for present and future generations through service to the underserved.

They represent a variety of races, religions, and ethnic origins, but are brought together by the need to create positive change by providing time, money, volunteers, and leadership for the community. They support organizations and activities including the Human Trafficking Initiative, a Boutique to give professional clothing to women entering the workforce, and so much more.

This year, they’ll host their 26th annual CARE Fair, Utah’s largest free health care event, on July 12th and 13th held at the Horizonte Instruction and Training Center located at 1234 Main Street. Come by to receive help with dental cleanings, women’s services, immunizations, medical evaluations, and other health concerns.

SelectHealth recognizes the widespread dedication of the Junior League of Salt Lake City as another example of how Utah Gives Back.