Brigham Suicide Prevention

UPDATED: JULY 25, 2019 AT 12:24 PM
Assistant Promotions Director

Do you know the possible suicide warning signs? If someone talks about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live, getting too much or too little sleep, loss of interest in things they once loved, or giving away prized possessions – it may be time to have an honest conversation with them, listen to their story, tell them you care, and encourage them to seek treatment. 

Brigham Suicide Prevention sees the value in everyone and wants to be the catalyst for change to educate the community on the warning signs and the risk factors of suicide, helping people grieve after a loss, and how to talk to friends and loved ones if you see them at risk.

To learn more, visit BrighamSuicidePrevention.org. If you are experiencing any thoughts of suicide, please reach out to a friend, provider, or another trusted individual today.

SelectHealth recognizes the lifesaving outreach provided by Brigham Suicide Prevention as another example of how Utah Gives Back.