House fire burning for two days almost out

UPDATED: AUGUST 5, 2019 AT 9:42 AM

HOLLIDAY, Utah — A 25,000 square foot mansion that has been burning for almost two days is starting to peter out.

Unified Fire Authority spokesman Matthew McFarland says crews arrived quickly after receiving reports of a fire at the residence near 6085 S and 2900 E in Holladay Saturday night.

“When it initially caught fire, we had crews attempt to go in three times,” he said. “Each time they encountered dangers that made it unsafe for even firefighters to be in there.”

The wood framing, as well as what McFarland called the “nooks and crannies” where the fire burned, made it too difficult for firefighters to knock down. They were told to get out so they wouldn’t get injured.

“Fire inside a modern structure doubles in size every minute once it’s established,” McFarland said. “This was a really large home. It was well involved once we got there.”

The family hadn’t been home for hours when the fire started.

“At a minimum, we’ve had two ladders spraying 300 gallons per minute each. That’s quite a bit of water,” McFarland says.

Overnight windy weather conditions made the fire difficult to contain and caused flareups and raised the risk that embers could start additional fires, but the cement structure of the house kept it from spreading.

The cause of the fire is believed to be accidental, but what exactly sparked it is under investigation.