Disqualified city council candidate sues Draper to get back on ballot

UPDATED: AUGUST 20, 2019 AT 3:09 PM
News Director

DRAPER — A UTA employee and Army veteran seeking a seat on the Draper City Council is suing to get back on the ballot.

Hubert Huh was disqualified after he was one minute late turning in required campaign finance paperwork earlier this month.

An initial communication sent by Draper officials to candidates listed the campaign finance reporting deadline as Aug. 8 rather than Aug. 6, the correct date. The city recorder’s office sent out both regular mail and email notices with the correction. Huh has said he forgot about the corrected date until a friend reminded him on the 6th. At that time, about 15 minutes before 5 p.m., Huh said he called the recorder’s office to say he was on the way.

Tuesday, his attorney, state Sen. Todd Weiler, R-Woods Cross, told KSL’s Dave & Dujanovic Huh was, in fact, on time — with about a minute to spare. Weiler says Huh told him the city recorder was not only incorrect, but she was also rude and insensitive.

“I have the video. She was actually watching her watch and laughing, you know, as he was trying to get in there in time,” Weiler said. “He walks in, and she says, ‘You’re disqualified.’ And he says, ‘Well, what can I do?’ She said, ‘Nothing. You’re disqualified.'”

The city also told Huh he did not have the proper form, but Huh argues he should be able to write a campaign finance statement on any piece of paper.

Huh says he had private investigators check the clocks at Draper City Hall and found they were indeed running fast — by as much as two minutes and 30 seconds, compared to US Naval Observatory time.

Huh’s lawsuit contends the Aug. 13 primary is invalid. He’s seeking a new primary, and with it, the chance to appear on the November ballot.