Grantsville shooting victims remembered at candlelight vigil

UPDATED: JANUARY 21, 2020 AT 5:25 AM
Producer, Inside Sources

GRANTSVILLE, Utah – Hundreds of people filled Grantsville City Park on Monday night to remember the four family members shot and killed in their Grantsville home.

Police say Consuelo Alejandra Haynie, who went by her middle name, as well as 15-year-old Alexis, 14-year-old Mathew, and 12-year-old Milan Haynie were murdered by a teenage boy who lived there on Friday. Officers have not yet confirmed whether the boy was related, though people in the community believe the shooter was Alejandra’s son and the children’s brother.

Speakers at the vigil remembered a nice, religious family who were active in their ward. The Haynies were also described as people with a good sense of humor with Mrs. Haynie known for her cooking.

The loss is still difficult for those who knew them like Myranda Arave, who was on Alexis’s soccer team.

“It’s hard. There’s always something you wish you would have done: you wish you would have hugged her, you wish you would have taken more pictures, you wish you’d savored those moments better,” Arave said.

Caprice Cortez, who played defense with Alexis, agreed and felt the vigil was important.

“I think it just makes us realize that we just need to take every second and be there for everyone and not take anyone for granted because they might not be there next time we see them,” Cortez said.

Many speakers who shared their memories of the Haynies also urged the crowd to treat the suspected shooter with compassion, like longtime family friend Diane Passey.

“We can’t understand where he was and where he came from. And if anybody needs love in this situation, it is this young man,” Passey said.

Organizers also read a letter from the Hainey family, who thanked the surrounding communities, churches, and local businesses.

The depth of sorrow we feel is matched only by the overwhelming outpouring of love we feel from the Grantsville and surrounding communities.

The amount of love, compassion, and consideration shown by churches, businesses and communities is deeply touching, Words cannot adequately convey the gratitude we have for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Please know that these are a great comfort and have given us strength to press forward. Please know that as you mourn with us, we also mourn with you. We pray that all maybe comforted at this difficult time.

We thank those of you who have contributed to the rich experience that has been ours to grow as a family among you. We especially thank those that have been friends, role models and teachers to our children. They have truly blossomed here. We have many happy memories of our time with members of this community.

It is our hope and prayer that at this difficult time we focus on the positive moments that we have shared together. We are finding for ourselves that as we mourn, it is beneficial – if not necessary – to cheer our spirits with good memories, and even a bit of laughter. We have benefitted by hearing the experiences that others have had with our family members. Some have been touching, others have been comical. All have helped us remember our dear family members as they loved and were loved by others.

We thank those who have organized this event to remember the lives of our family members. We Thank all of those who have come to participate tonight and hope that you will be strengthened and uplifted as you have strengthened and uplifted us.

The Haynie Family