Sanders supporters thrilled by Utah win, cautious about the future

UPDATED: MARCH 4, 2020 AT 5:25 AM

WEST VALLEY CITY — Supporters for Bernie Sanders gathered at his Utah campaign office Tuesday night to watch poll results come in.

There were lots of smiles, hugs, and cheers as Utah was called for Sanders. The energy in the room intensified as results from Colorado and the Senator’s home state of Vermont poured in.

However, there were mixed emotions and frayed nerves as well. Especially as former Vice President Joe Biden’s wins continued stacking up.

“We lost a few states to another competitor,” says supporter Alan Naumann. “But, I think Bernie is a better candidate. He’s got the issues people care about.”

A few shook their heads in disapproval as national news outlets broadcast a speech delivered by Biden in Los Angeles, California. Some yelled at the projector screen as though they were watching a football game.

Biden’s better-than-expected showing isn’t dimming spirits completely.

“A lot’s changed in the last few days with the consolidation of some of the moderate candidates; it’s always a possibility in electoral politics,” Bernie Sanders campaign coordinator for Utah Jodie Clemens says. “But, we think that Bernie’s people still showed up pretty strong for him and the grassroots movement that we’ve created in all these states continues to snowball.”

Bernie’s supporters know there’s still a lot of work to be done and believe he can become the eventual Democratic presidential nominee.

Ultimately, they say their primary goal is ensuring President Donald Trump doesn’t get a second term in office.