All six female Utah state senators walk out to protest invasive abortion ultrasound

UPDATED: MARCH 11, 2020 AT 1:32 PM

SALT LAKE CITY — All six of Utah’s female state senators walked off the floor to protest the bill requiring an invasive ultrasound before an abortion.

The women say they did not plan the walkout ahead of time.

Tweets from Senator Luz Escamilla and Senator Kathleen Riebe show the women hugging in the hallway.


The women were from both sides of the aisle who oppose the bill for different reasons.

Some said the transvaginal ultrasound is an invasive and embarrassing medical procedure. Others said they are pro-life, but felt this bill was government overreach.

“The six Republican and Democratic women of the Senate decided to walk out in protest. It wasn’t planned, but a spontaneous decision to put an exclamation mark on our concerns regarding the invasive nature of the bill,” Senator Deidre Henderson said in a statement.

“If you are going to take the life of a child, if you are willing to terminate that life through an abortion, it seems appropriate that you get the best information about the development, the stage of development, heart beat — we are talking about a human being,” said the bill’s Senate sponsor, Curtis Bramble.

Even without the women’s votes, the Senate passed the bill.

7 male senators also voted no. One reason they gave was the concern a lawsuit would be coming next.


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