Magna issues boil order to residents after finding a raccoon in a storage tank

UPDATED: APRIL 9, 2020 AT 2:55 PM

MAGNA– Magna Water District is telling residents to boil their water before using it after a raccoon was found in a storage tank on Thursday.

The order is for the entire district service area. That includes all of Magna Metro Township and portions of West Valley City (between 7200 West and 5600 West and 2820 South and 2100 South). It also includes parts of Salt Lake City (between 7600 West and 7200 West and 2100 South and 1300 South).

Magna boil order tied to possible E.coli contamination

The city is concerned about the possibility of E. coli contamination in the water.  Those in affected areas should boil all water or use bottled water. If using boiled water, let the water cool down for five minutes.

Boiled/bottled water should be used for “drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation until further notice.”

Magna boil order came after raccoon isolation

According to a statement, when Magna Water District officials discovered the raccoon they immediately removed the animal and “isolated the reservoir from the distribution system and began sampling for bacteriologic contaminants.”

Officials said chlorine residuals are “above minimum requirements in the tank and distribution system,” which is good news. But they say they are taking the situation seriously and “issuing a boil order to limit potential health impacts.”0

How the raccoon got in

The raccoon got into the tank through a screen removed from the overflow drain pipe for construction improvements. Officials say the screen was reinstalled to prevent future incidents. Officials also say that, based on the condition of the raccoon, the body was not in the tank for very long.

Magna Water District will inform residents when the water is safe to drink. They believe it will take about two days to sample the water to ensure no negative health impacts.


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