15-year-old launches creativity crate for her Lehi neighbors

UPDATED: APRIL 16, 2020 AT 9:08 PM

LEHI — Creativity is all around us. What if you could be creative with a crate? 15-year-old Annabelle McKinnon started a “creativity crate” in her hometown of Lehi, Utah.

The crate is filled with creative goods such as canvases, foam cut-outs, glue, sparkles, etc. for the community to use. Children are welcome to come to get supplies for home art projects and people can donate supplies to the crate as well.

McKinnon received money and donations so she would be able to fill the creativity crate with fun supplies. She wrote:

“Thank you, thank you, thank you to those who have donated! We would love any other donations for the crate. Let’s fill it up and get the kids creating. If you visit the crate, tag @letsgetcreativelehi on Instagram and #creativitycrate to spread the word!”

She is excited to check the crate regularly to fill it with supplies as needed.