Provo to reopen with ‘Proceed with Caution’ plan

UPDATED: MAY 4, 2020 AT 9:58 AM

PROVO, Utah — Provo City Mayor Michelle Kaufusi outlined Provo’s “Proceed with Caution” plan to reopen businesses as Utah’s COVID-19 risk level has been lowered to moderate.

Kaufusi said the plan has been guided by the state’s guidelines as Utah begins to slowly reopen.

“It captures the balance as Provo begins to cautiously open their economy with forwarding momentum but with the knowledge that risk still exists,” she said at a news conference Monday.

The plans outlined by Kaufusi were broken down into three different areas of responsibility: Individual, City and Community.

Kaufusi said Provo’s reopening could be turned around quickly if another spike in the number of cases is found.

To prevent that, Kaufusi outlined a number of safety guidelines for individuals to follow:

Guidelines for Businesses

The city of Provo also released guidelines for the opening of businesses as it moves forward with the ‘Proceed with Caution’ plan. 

The city asks that all employers take extreme precautions as they begin reintroducing their workforce.

The city still encourages that remote work can be done if at all possible. But where it’s not possible, employers should limit the number of face-to-face interactions and, when necessary, ensure that six feet of social distancing is kept.


Provo City is still encouraging takeout, delivery and curbside pickup for restaurants, but said that dine-in services are allowed with extreme caution.

The city said that all restaurant services employees should be wearing face coverings and be checked for COVID-19 symptoms.

They also encourage that workstations be staggered so that employees can maintain a 6-foot social distance, while sanitizing their hands between handling payment and food containers. 


For grocery stores, pharmacies and other retail establishments Provo is asking for help from both customers and employers.

The city is asking that everyone wear face coverings and maintain at least a 6-foot social distance.

For this to be maintained, Provo City is asking stores to implement one-way aisles and limit the number of patrons to 1 person per 120 sq. ft.

They are also asking that employers assign an employee to disinfect both carts and baskets after each use and provide hand sanitizer at checkout counters and the entrance and exits.


Provo is still recommending that gyms remain closed, but if they are open they are encouraging strict social distancing and cleaning.

If gyms are reopening the city is requiring that all employees be checked for COVID-19 symptoms including temperature checks that must be logged and available for inspection from the health department. 

In addition to that, the social distancing guidelines for gyms are upped to 10 feet, and staff will be required to sanitize equipment after every use. 

A full list of Provo’s health guidelines for businesses to reopen can be found here.

How To Prevent the Spread of COVID-19Coronavirus

COVID-19 coronaviruses transmitted from person to person. It is a virus that is similar to the common cold and the flu. So, to prevent it from spreading:

Local resources

KSL Coronavirus Q&A

Utah’s Coronavirus Information

UtahState Board of Education

Utah Hospital Association

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Utah Coronavirus Information Line – 1-800-456-7707

National Resources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Commonly asked questions, World Health Organization

Cases in the United States