Utah may soon announce million-dollar face mask PSA

UPDATED: JULY 16, 2020 AT 2:34 PM

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah — A million-dollar campaign encouraging Utahns to social distance and wear a face mask in public may soon be announced. It comes after Senate President Stuart Adams, House Speaker Brad Wilson and Governor Gary Herbert all met yesterday to discuss the state’s COVID-19 response.

Million-dollar mask message

The million-dollar campaign would be the latest attempt by the state to get the average new case rate of coronavirus under control. Governor Herbert has remarked if the rolling seven-day average of confirmed cases doesn’t drop to around 500 by August 1, there could be some new, tough statewide measures.

Senate President Adams was quoted in Utah Policy saying, “We’ve been at this for four months now and we aren’t any better at testing than we were at the start.”

According to Adams, quicker test turnaround is key in the state’s fight against the virus.

“I’m adamant about this: We have to get our virus screening tests down to 24-hour turnaround,” Adams explained. “We’ve been at this for four months now, and we aren’t any better at testing than we were at the start.”

Adams also mentioned one of his main concerns is when kids start going back to school in August and September. In addition to keeping teachers, students and parents safe, he wants to see Utah school children get equal opportunities.

“I don’t want to see some kid who lives on one side of the street getting to go to school, while his neighbor across the street doesn’t get to go in person,” said Adams. “If one kid gets to play football, the others should as well.”

How To Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus

COVID-19 coronaviruses transmitted from person to person. It is a virus that is similar to the common cold and the flu. So, to prevent it from spreading: