‘The littlest bailout’: Country Time offers relief checks to lemonade stands

UPDATED: JULY 20, 2020 AT 8:44 AM

 “When life gives you social distancing, make lemonade.”

That’s the message Country Time wants to send to little entrepreneurs whose lemonade stands stayed closed this year because of coronavirus.

Country Time says they’re offering “The Littlest Bailout” to the littlest of little guys, the neighborhood lemonade stand.

“We know this will be a rough summer for lemonade stands. And if the big guys are getting bailed out, why shouldn’t we help the littlest entrepreneurs get the same treatment?” they write online.


Andrew Deckert with the lemonade brand says that Country Time has a history of helping out the local lemonade stand.

“The small business government bailouts helped some not-so-small companies and Country Time hopes to help a real small business near and dear to us – lemonade stands,” Deckert says.

“Country Time has a history of helping lemonade stands when they are in trouble, like stepping in to pay for permit fees and fines, and this year is no different. Due to social distancing guidelines, lemonade stands aren’t what they used to be, and we want to help kids foster their entrepreneurial spirit by offering a small relief to those who can’t operate their lemonade stands this summer.”

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Country Time’s Legal-Ade in 2018, which helped kids across the country pay permit fees and fines on their lemonade stands due to outdated permit laws.

Utah passed a law in 2017 legalizing lemonade stands and allowing an exemption for them as well as other extra small businesses from taxes or permitting fees. 

Country Time says that they will randomly select those who have signed up for the littlest bailout. Winners will receive a bright yellow commemorative check and a $100 prepaid gift card.

“The check can offset the loss of revenue from the lemonade stand and can be saved, or better yet, spent to help invest in the local economy.”