Shortage of Clorox wipes expected to last until mid-2021


One of Clorox’s top executives says customers shouldn’t expect to see a steady supply of the popular Clorox wipes until mid-2021.

Clorox’s Chief Operating Officer Eric Reynolds said while they have been making more of the popular cleaning product than ever, the demand is still outpacing their production. 

“We know that consumers are very frustrated with us,” Reynolds told NBC News on Thursday. “We hear from them all the time. We are frustrated, too.”

“People are working overtime to take care of their families, to educate their kids, and they turn to us for help… We are producing more wipes than ever, but the demand is staying in incredible high levels.”

Reynolds said most of the supply chain issues have come from sourcing the cloth used to make the wipes, but they’ve also seen hiccups in getting the containers and even some of the chemicals needed to make them. 

“People are suffering, COVID is surging. But everything we know right now — we probably won’t be back in the type of in-stock positions, or what people are used to (when) going to the store, until mid-2021,” Reynolds continued.

He said Clorox plans to increase its production and plans on delivering 1.5 million canisters of Clorox wipes by February.

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