TSA calendar spotlights working dogs that keep airports safe

UPDATED: JANUARY 15, 2021 AT 3:52 PM

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has released its annual calendar, and this year it features the hardworking dogs from the TSA that help keep airports safe. 

The free calendar spotlights 13 hardworking TSA dogs which help with cargo screening by sniffing out drugs or bombs and other security concerns at US airports.

Each dog has its own calendar profile detailing their favorite treats, toys and even some of their unique talents.

The TSA operates the second-largest canine explosive-detection program in the federal government behind the Department of Defense. 

The TSA said it now has more than 1,000 canine teams deployed across the country. Each year an average of 300 dogs complete training, and 83% of those dogs go on to graduate and become working dogs.

For those that didn’t quite make it to the TSA’s high standards, (sometimes because they’re just too friendly) the dogs are put up for adoption

You can download the free TSA Canine Calendar here