Utah Cancer Control Program – UDOH

UPDATED: APRIL 19, 2021 AT 4:22 PM
Assistant Promotions Director

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, except for skin cancer. When caught early it is often treatable. There are screenings out there that can provide early detection and save lives. Utah Cancer Control Program or UCCP partners with local health departments, community clinics, hospital, worksites and more to provide evidence-based strategies to reduce cancer risk, find cancers at an early state, improve treatment, increase the number people who survive cancer, and improve the quality of life for cancer survivors.

Utah Cancer Control’s Breast and cervical program increases the number of Utah women who receive recommended breast and cervical cancer screenings. They provide education on how to prevent cancer, understand the importance of finding cancer early, and links women with treatment resources. These screenings are available to Utah women aged 40-64 who are low income, uninsured, or underinsured.

To see if you are qualified or to learn more please visit cancerutah.org.

SelectHealth recognizes the powerful prevention provided by the Utah Cancer Control Program as another example of how Utah Gives Back.