John Stockton, Jazz legend, appears in anti-vaccine documentary trailer

UPDATED: JUNE 18, 2021 AT 6:01 PM

SALT LAKE CITY —  Legendary Utah Jazz point guard John Stockton has appeared in a documentary trailer that was released Friday for a series called “COVID AND THE VACCINE: Truth, Lies and Misconceptions Revealed.” 

The documentary film’s website says it addresses several questions. Those include the effectiveness of masks and whether Americans have heard all of the facts. The documentary also addresses what the filmmakers call the real risk of dying from COVID-19.

“This isn’t a virus cheating us of these opportunities, it’s the guys making decisions saying, no no we’re too scared, we’ve got to shut everything down,” John Stockton can be heard saying in the video.

“My kids and my grandkids hearing these things and accepting them as truth when I know by my significant amount of research that it isn’t and it’s very frustrating,” Stockton continues.

The website lists other people in the film as experts who say they are being censored, shut down, and canceled.

Included among those experts are a triple board-certified medical doctor, a pharmacist, and activists. Also included are a biologist researcher, an emergency medicine specialist, a senior research scientist, and many more as contributors to the documentary.


Other Reading:

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