The Governor’s Office of Outdoor Recreation – Utah Outdoor Recreation Summit

UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2021 AT 2:25 PM
Assistant Promotions Director

One of the unexpected consequences of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 was more people seeking escape outside. Nature became a refuge as we found new sources of entertainment, stress relief, and a place to move about safely.

The Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation wants to ensure that Utahns can live a healthy and active lifestyle through outdoor recreation. It is up to each one of us to take care of the land, leave no trace, and keep our communities safe.

Each year they hold the Utah Outdoor Recreation Summit to gather all sectors of the outdoor recreation industry to connect, learn, grow, and build together. From September 22nd to 23rd in Logan or October 27th to 28th in Kanab, come learn how to strengthen the outdoor recreation community, economy, and improve the health and quality of life for all Utahns. To learn more visit utahoutdoorsummit.com.

SelectHealth recognizes the connection the Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation provides to communities and the outdoors as another example of how Utah Gives Back.