Utah Grizzlies to host first LGBTQ+ Pride night with parade flag


SALT LAKE CITY — The iconic 200-foot-long Pride flag used in Utah’s annual Pride Parade will make its debut on a hockey rink Friday.

This is for the Utah Grizzlies’ first-ever Pride night event.

Utah Grizzlies’ Unity Weekend

The Dec. 3 Pride Night is the first of two events in the hockey team’s Unity Weekend to celebrate LGBTQ2IA+ athletes, fans and community members.

The second event on Saturday (Dec. 4) will honor Hispanic heritage. 

Utah Pride Center CEO Stacey Jackson-Roberts praised the Grizzlies event:

Creating a safe and inclusive environment where LGBTQ+ athletes can come out and be authentic will not only improve their mental and emotional health, but also allow them to perform better. It’s also a great opportunity for members of the LGBTQ+ community to feel welcome and accepted as fans of the sport.

Grizzlies Pride night

The Utah Pride Center and other LGBTQ+ organizations will provide the community information and resources.

There will be a specialty jersey auctioned off at the end of the night. Money from the auction will go to several local charitable organizations, including the Utah Pride Center.

The Pride Center will have an after-party after the game at the Sun Trapp, one of Salt Lake City’s most popular LGBTQ+ bars. Those who show their ticket from the game can get a free ride there with UTA.

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